Saturday, May 5, 2012

National Healthcare Strategic Plan and New Grant of Accreditation

As a part of my role as the Chairman of the Cayman Islands National Insurance Company I am often called upon to participate in any national initiatives dealing with health care.  This past week the Ministry of Health held a two day long meeting to develop a National Health Policy and Strategic Plan that I attended.  We are working on a national vision, values and strategic goals and had a great two day working process.  Working on things like this is what makes the CINICO position so interesting and the work so enjoyable.

We did get some very good news at the college as our new grant of accreditation arrived through December 31, 2014.  A lot of work went into that so we all were relieved to get the process completed.  Of course with it being a three year grant we start the process for the 2014 visit in early 2013 so just a year away from going through this all over again.