Monday, May 21, 2012

Shelter in the Storm

Today is the second day of pouring rain. Usually here in Cayman we don't get HUGE storms like this unless it is a Tropical Storm or Hurricane but this one must be big as it has rained straight since yesterday morning. Arianna has cabin fever but we are trying to keep her entertained. Thankfully Brayden brought over a new (to her, hand-me-down from someone leaving island) baby doll crib and stroller for her yesterday when they had their indoor playdate so having the new things has helped.

One moment of excitement was when a frog started to "sing" "in" the back room. I say "in" because it was LOUD! We went searching for it and saw it hiding right in the nook between the inner and outer sliding doors to the back yard. It was just looking for someplace dry to rest!