Monday, April 30, 2012

Tourist Season 2012 draws to a close

April 30th is the traditional end of tourist season down here as the weather gets wet and muggy for the next several months.  Haven't written as much these past few weeks as we have all been sick for some period of time and between that and work there hasn't been much to write about.  My father is on island this week for some college business and heads home tomorrow.  We had a big faculty function on Saturday slightly marred by a tropical thunderstorm that dropped rain on us for about 18 straight hours and left parts of the island flooded.  We are still training for the mile swim in June though the recent rain and wind have made that difficult.  We have also decided to try the sprint triathlon in November so once the mile swim is passed we have a new challenge.  Arianna is fast approaching the 18 month mark and has really settled into her day care.  She used to cry when we would turn onto the road that her school is on, now she happily goes in (most days) and goes right to playing.  It is week five of the spring term and with both of us teaching two classes in addition to our other duties we don't lack for things to do.  The good news is, starting May 1 some of the prices here go down and we can take advantage of all the local deals offered over the summer months.