Thursday, October 21, 2010

There is a God

33Miles has a worship song, "There is a God". As I was baking this afternoon, I had on ITunes and had it on shuffle through all our music, and the ITune shuffler decided to play it.

The words hit me strong today. Here is just the first verse and the chorus.

There's a beauty to the dawn, a rhythm to the rain
A silence in the soul that I just can't explain
There's a breath of life I breathe, a beating in my heart
A magnificence, a scary sense of what lies past the stars
Beyond what we can see behind the mystery
I know that it could only be

There is a God; this is the proof
That all around the evidence is speaking the truth
From the center of my soul to the edge of the universe
Creation is crying out believe it or not
There is a God

Through my faith journey over the past few years nothing has struck me so much as evidence of God as this life that wiggles, kicks, and continues to grow inside me. Yes, every finger, toe, eyelash, and hair can be explained through science and the specific cell signatures that grew out of the first merger of cells between Scott and I. Science has mapped out how I now have a 5 pound 10 ounce baby girl squirming inside me that started off as a mere collection of cells but faith gives me the wonder at what is happening. I choose not to divorce science and faith. I choose to see the wonders that can be explained through science as more evidence of a God who has created this world where two cells can combine and know what to do next to create a new human life.

Whenever she decides to join us, this baby girl will be a unique person. She will probably look a little like me, a little like Scott. and a little just like herself. She will probably act in some ways like me, someways like Scott, and someways just like herself. All of these things can be explained through the scientific mapping of her DNA but faith allows me to see the unique combination of everything that will make her HER as specific choices by a God who sees the path for her life.

This baby girl is a combination of the science that conducts the manual labor and the God that orchestrates the whole thing as he watches over her. She is the most powerful evidence in my life that there really is a God.