Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The problem with crying wolf

So once again the local news is full of coverage and everyone is in a tizzy about the possibility of Tropical Storm Richard forming to our south later tonight or tomorrow.  Whenever that happens invariably we have students asking us about classes being cancelled and generally everyone on edge.  The problem is that this is about the fifth week in a row that we have had some kind of storm warning, flood watch etc. and at some point it just feels not real.  That I suppose is the real danger you stop being so sensitive to the weather channel and all the hurricane websites and stop being completely prepared and then bang the storm really comes.  With Katie just three weeks from her due date tomorrow, we are still paying close attention but really just want the season to be over with and no excitement to come our direction.  Even if we get the storm it will likely only be a tropical storm which means no classes but also means no need to put up all the hurricane shutters etc.  So, we are once again we are on storm watch and hopefully this is just one more time of crying wolf and the real thing passes us by like TS Nicole and TS Paula did with just a slight glancing blow of rain and no more excitement than getting to see the warning flags flying in all the roundabouts. Meanwhile just because I am sick of the rain and to show how pretty the foliage here can get below is a shot of the side of Friends Hall our main classroom building and what we get to see every July and August when the trees here are in full bloom.

Thursday Morning Update

Looks like it has formed but to our south and is eventually headed west so just more rain unless it takes a weird turn.  Right now the center is just to the right of directly south of us.