Friday, August 29, 2008

Eye moves closer to Grand Cayman

The track has moved a little closer to Grand Cayman and the eye is now about 55 miles to the east-northeast of us. We are experiencing tropical storm gusts and the upstairs shutters are shaking every once in a while. A few of the gusts have been pretty loud but nothing like the Dean noise last year. As the eye gets closer it will get louder but so far its just an annoyance. If last year is any indicator, Katie will sleep through it while I get up every hour on the hour. Our lights have flickered a few times but power has been constant. We see on the net that they have lost power up on the north side of the island but here in Red Bay the lights are still on. Both Katie and I are able to use the laptops as the Internet service still has five bars. CUC, Westel and the Water Authority here are just doing phenomenal jobs of keeping everything working through this storm. They really learned their lessons from Ivan four years ago and have put those lessons into practice. This would be a very different experience if we were in a dark house with no air conditioning and no water. We were ready for such a situation but its very nice to not have to face it at least so far. Looks like the 13 gallons we pumped today of potable water into our garbage can will now be used to flush toilets for the next couple of days.