Thursday, August 28, 2008

Boarding Up

Home for a quick lunch break. This morning we put up the shutters at the house and are now in process of boarding up the college. It looks like a category one or two hurricane and right now the track is right over us. Its hot and humid here today which is making for tough work outside. Will update tonight when we have time. The whole attitude of the Island has changed overnight and today the gas stations have long lines and the supermarkets are packed. The sound of drills is now being heard pretty regularly. Fortunately our house was almost ready yesterday and we also pre-prepared the college windows and plywood so we just have to put the wood up and attach it. If that sounds like an easy job, it isn't. The wood is heavy and takes two people to carry and lift then try to line up the holes that are often over our heads. It is a heck of a work out. Will know more later tonight about the track to us. Keep an eye on the sites listed in our blog to see how things are setting up.