Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Afternoon Track

The late morning and early afternoon tracks of Gustav continue to bring good news. It remains downgraded to a Tropical Storm and is drifting slightly north. It should now pass some 92 miles to the north of us Friday late afternoon as a category one hurricane. We decided not to put up the shutters today at both the house and the college and will decide tomorrow morning based on the overnight tracks whether they will go up at all. If the hurricane will pass within 100 miles we will put up the shutters just to be in the safe side. The news is not good for the two other Islands that make up this country as both will have a close encounter Friday morning and afternoon with Gustav. Many of our students have family on the Brac which is the northernmost Island in the Caymans and they are keeping close tabs on the storm. With finals going on this week this has been an unneeded and unwanted distraction.