Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wet and Rainy Late October

As we reach the final days of the month of October, rainy season and a cold front have made the past few days wet and cool.  That beats the heck out of wet and hot but means that there isn't much stuff that can be done outside.  It also means a wary eye to the south where possible late season hurricanes form.  This week we have a close watch on a system down by Nicaragua.  In 2008 we got hit by Paloma with only two days notice since it formed in the Caribbean to the south of us.  The problem with this weather is that Arianna gets bored easily when stuck in the house so we are always looking for opportunities to get out and this weather is making that tough.  Yesterday a trip to A.L. Thompson hardware store became her outing so she could wander up and down the aisles, stare at all the fans and make some future decisions about a new bathroom or kitchen.  It was also cool enough to put her in the Texas track suit my sister sent down and here are a few shots.