Thursday, October 27, 2011

Presents from Rina

Although now well to the west of us and menacing the Yucatan, Hurricane Rina continues to give us a ton of rain and now some incredible swells as the picture below, that I got off the web, of George Town Harbour shows.  She is the storm that keeps on giving and our campus is a virtual lake with islands of buildings and parking spaces.  It has gotten so bad that we are almost to the point of sand bags for the southern end of Friends Hall as the water is close to cresting the sidewalk.  There is no where for the water to go as the ground is so saturated so now we have almost a foot and a half of standing water surrounding the eastern, western and southern parts of Friends Hall.  Only the northern part is dry and that is because the building sits on a slight slope from north to south.  Rina will be turning back east tomorrow and then perhaps straight south this weekend so we are continuing to watch her closely.