Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fifth Anniversary

To celebrate our fifth anniversary we headed up to Papagallos in West Bay.  Arianna's grandfather is on island for some work at the college and pulled down babysitting duty for the evening so we could have a nice romantic dinner, just the two of us.  Papagallos is at the very top of West Bay near Barkers national park and is in a somewhat secluded area giving it a real natural feel.  As we talked over dinner we realized we hadn't been up there since the graduation banquet for 2008.  So much has changed in our first five years together from where we live, to our jobs and now even to the composition of our family.  Thanks to all the folks who sent us congrats and who relived memories with us of that special day.  Katie officially graduates next Friday with her Masters degree so we have another celebration coming up next week.  Making the day even more special Arianna decided to say her first word "Mama" though whether she meant Katie or just that everything is "mama" we couldn't tell.  She did say it several times so we didn't have to ask ourselves are we really hearing this.