Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Beauty and the Beast and the Fort Worth Zoo

On Sunday April 24 Katie and I celebrated our anniversary a month early by returning to the spot where I asked her to marry me, Bass Concert Hall in Fort Worth.  We went to see the musical Beauty and the Beast and for dinner went to the same Pappadeaux's restaurant that we had gone to on the evening of our engagement.  To be completely candid it was also where we went on our very first date, so yes I am a creature of habit.  While we were out, Arianna had no less than four babysitters as her grandparents and both of Katie's sisters stayed with her to entertain her.  Katie's favorite musical is Beauty and the Beast so it was a very happy coincidence that it was playing in Fort Worth the week we were home.
Bass Concert Hall
On Monday we headed to Grapevine to sign our wills and then back to Fort Worth with Aunt Stephanie in tow to visit the Fort Worth Zoo.  As real zoophiles both Katie and I were excited to see how Arianna would react.  We knew that she loved to watch the fishies and was fascinated by Gypsy so a place full of animals promised to give us a lot of fun moments and we were not disappointed.

Arianna really interacted actively with several of the animals and we had a good time experiencing the zoo through her eyes.  The zoo had changed a lot in the four years since we had last been so it was something of a new experience for us too.  We spent almost four hours there and still had a lot to see that we couldnt get to, so we definitely have another zoo trip on tap next time we are in DFW.  Monday evening Aunt Stephanie again baby sat while I went to a Rangers baseball game with Russ and Katie went to a painting class with her Mom.  We had a great time in DFW early in the week and headed out Tuesday morning after saying our goodbyes to continue on for the Chicago portion of our trip.