Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gypsy's Friend

Lately a lizard has been coming around to "visit" Gypsy. He will parade across the ledge by the window flashing his different colors and enticing other lizards with his "chin flap". Gypsy loves to watch him and he likes to have the audience.

If Gypsy isn't around, he will perch and stare into the window. He will walk across the screen to make himself as visible as possible to the inside; he will do whatever he can to invite Gypsy to play.

This morning we noticed a large gecko that had made its way into our bedroom. Although we pointed it out to Gypsy, she found it terribly boring! Where were the flashy antics? Where were the bright colors? That lizard was a NORMAL lizard...she isn't into normal lizards.

Peering into the window

The normal lizard