Monday, December 3, 2007


By Katie

Our Graduation ceremony was yesterday afternoon at Church of God Holiness in Red Bay. We had 39 graduates and managed to get them through all their individual shots, getting robed and ready, through the group shot, and all lined up with minimal fuss. We did have four show up with only 5 minutes to spare and almost sent me shooting through the roof but at least they were there and ready before we marched.

It was awesome to see the church fill very quickly. Last year, they had the ceremony at the same location but just 2/3 of the downstairs filled. This year, we had the entire church, including the balcony, packed with people standing along the side walls, back, and in the foyer of the church. I was sitting next to the Chief Secretary of the Cayman Islands (#2 person in the Cayman government) on the platform and he leaned over to me and commented about the turn out. Next year, we will have to consider a location that holds more. The turn out this year was with no advertising and problems getting the invitations out.

I was the Marshall of the ceremony and led everyone in the processional. Dr. Cummings and the Chief Secretary followed. Scott and a member of the legislative assembly, Ms. Lucielle Seymour, came next. The guest speaker, other members of our Board of Trustees, and the faculty preceded the students who marched in last. The students took up the first two pews while we sat up on the podium.

All in all, it was a beautiful ceremony and went off without a hitch. Scott did a great job handling his parts of the ceremony and helping the group of people who handed diploma covers and did the hoods. I announced the names of all the graduates and led the recessional.

After the ceremony, Scott and I celebrated by going to Deckers restaurant on Seven Mile Beach, a new restaurant we had never been to before. I had a WONDERFUL Caribbean lobster tail. Scott had a mixed grill with chicken, beef, and lobster. Scott tried a Pinetini (Pineapple Martini) while I had a Seven Mile Melt Down (Pina Colada with Peach Liqueur).

The ceremony is already having a positive impact. Students that we thought might not be coming back were so enthusiastic about the ceremony that they have already called Scott to talk about their next degree. It was exciting and we are looking forward to seeing the Associates students get their Bachelors! After all the hard work, it was great to see the ceremony come off the way it did and the reaction of the students be so positive.