Friday, December 7, 2007

Back to the States for a Week

Tomorrow we head back to Dallas-Fort Worth for the first time in six months. With graduation done and classes not starting again until January 7 we have some time to catch up with family and celebrate early Christmas. We will be in DFW through Wednesday afternoon spending time with Katie's family and doing doctor and dentist appointments. Wednesday night we head to Georgia where we will spend time with Scott's family and catch up with Katie's friends who still live in the Macon area. We head back to Cayman on Sunday the 16th. With the weather here still in the 80's most days and nothing resembling jacket weather we know that our first stop Saturday will be our storage facility to pick up winter clothes. It is hard to believe its been six months since we came down here. We are both looking forward to seeing family and getting serious away time from the college and work.