Thursday, June 7, 2007

new roof, new bikes, new job

By Katie

Some people came and worked on the roof for two days; it seemed as if they were putting on a brand new roof. Everything is finished now but, since it hasn't really rained since Sunday, we haven't been able to put it to the test.

As you know, we got our bikes on Monday and tested them out. Yesterday we did a successful ride down to the Fosters to get groceries but we only brought one bag so Scott had a heavy bag on his back on the way back down. I'd wanted to go for a longer ride one of these mornings and spend some time before work at a beach but, as Scott pointed out, we will be exhausted after a long ride and then putting in long hours at work is going to be very difficult. I will just have to wait for Saturdays, until we get in better shape, before hitting the beach to swim!

We have been working very long days (put in twelve hours with two short breaks yesterday). I feel lucky that with my job, even though there is so much that needs to be done, everything that needs to be done consists of smaller steps. Therefore, I can do a small step, feel accomplished, and then move on to the next step. Scott's job is more abstract and so I don't think he feels the same sort of progress, no matter how slow. I have been spending about a quarter of my time trying to get things organized so that we know where things are in the office. I was a bit surprised to find that I do have two people that I supervise and have had to adjust accordingly. For the first time in my life (besides bossing my mom and sisters around when cleaning), I am in a manager's position. I am using all the great advice that I received from Mary Anna, Scott and all my experience of what not to do to help!