Saturday, June 16, 2007


We had a huge storm blow through here last night and now have lakes all around the island including one in the field next to the college buildings. There don't seem to be any fish but some really interesting birds have stopped in to wash and sun themselves.

We have a land crab who lives next to Clayton Strain hall which is the administration building. He has dug himself a huge hole and every once in a while, Keith our maintenance man fills it in. Now the crab is just below the ground so you can see him and we can just hear his thought, "the next person to try and fill in this hole, loses a hand".

We went biking this morning for the first time since Tuesday. First we went down to Fosters to get some groceries. Everything is closed on Sundays so we have to get enough to last and Monday is a national holiday (The Queen's birthday) so we wanted to stock up. We came back to the college (about two miles round trip) and dropped off the stuff then immediately headed back out. We wanted to bike east for an hour and see how far we got. We stopped in Bodden Town after a half hour to drink some water then biked on for the last thirty minutes making it to Breakers near a restaurant that looks like a lighthouse. We had lunch at a place called the South Coast Bar and Grill, just hamburgers but after the 10 mile ride out there they tasted incredible. There is still a lot of wind from the back end of the storm last night and the sea was rough but very pretty with the big crashing waves.

We put some ice into our water bottles and headed back. We made a quick stop again at Fosters to pick up a few more items then headed back to the college. We have discovered that going to Fosters and going east is pretty much all uphill. The rides back are so much easier as there are long stretches of downhill where you hardly pedal at all. Once you get to the coast, east of Bodden Town the ground evens out but for the first seven miles it is pretty much all at an incline. That does mean that the last seven coming back are easy which is good because we are usually exhausted. All told we think we did about 24 mile today so we are improving. Tomorrow is a day for a beach so we wont bike out as far, we might even borrow the van and go back up to Cayman Kai the beach we found our first weekend on the island.

The weekends are becomming our exploration time and really give us something to look forward to during the week. Next weekend we are going to the Reef Resort to make up the weekend lost when our passport and work permit issues arose. We plan to go to Stingray City to snorkel and basically be completely away from the college for two days.

We are really beginning to feel like this is home, today on the ride we could tell locals and tourists and even joked about those darn tourists on their mopeds trying desperately to remember to stay on the left side of the road.