With the glass for our car window at least 5 days shipping away, now was about as in- convenient a time as possible for the first tropical storm of the season to make an appearance. While it is well to the south of us we are getting lashed by band after band of rain being sent out by TS Alex. We have a trash bag taped over the window and the tarp over the vehicle to keep out the water. At left is a photo of the driving rain and the tarp being blown around. The water runs off our roof through the drain visible on the right thus the seeming waterfall there. Unfortunately, with no driver side window, the car is undrivable as there is a huge blind spot for the driver because you cant see through the trash bag. We cant remove the bag because of the constant rain. That means we are trapped at home pending use of the college van which is having its radiator flushed or rides from co-workers.
This afternoon is the big USA-Ghana match, if the rain lets up we are going to the sportsbar to watch the US transmission and if we cant we will have to watch the Caribbean feed from FIFA at home. Either way it will be a tense afternoon of futbol as we watch the round of 16 match.