We are back on Cayman after a quick getaway weekend to Negril on the western coast of Jamaica. We stayed at a resort on the beach and did some snorkeling both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday evening we made a trip over to the famous Rick's Cafe to watch the cliff divers and take in a sunset. Pictured at left is us at the cafe. Pictured below is one of the cliff divers. Rick's was voted one of the top ten bars in the world and we got to see some incredibly high cliff diving. Unfortunately this is the rainy season and on the evening we went to Rick's there was a rainstorm which prevented us from seeing the spectacular sunset that the bar is famous for as well. The snorkel trips were a lot of fun as on both trips we saw new fish and reef creatures that we hadnt yet identified in our books and got to make new entries for a couple of star fish, a sea cucumber and a trumpetfish.

It is World Cup time and everywhere in Jamaica you could see evidence of the competition going on. On Saturday for the USA-England match it seemed like the whole country came to a halt to watch the match. In addition to the snorkeling we got in some quality beach time reading and swimming and generally had a very restful weekend. We had formal meals each of the three nights we were there and got to enjoy tapanaki the last night made right in front of us. Little Baby C does not like flying and Katie didn't enjoy the traveling portions of our trip on Friday and Monday. This week there are no classes at ICCI but we have evening work every day from the faculty meeting to new student orientation and then the seminar meeting. In just two weeks Scott heads to Miami for the summer seminar and meeting with two colleges about possible articulation agreements and then right after he gets back Katie is going back to Texas to do some maternity shopping and spend some family time with her parents and sisters.