The winds are blowing but no rain since the little shower at 1 p.m. The funny thing is because we are so boarded up we cant see anything so all we have is what our imagination tells us unless we want to open our door which isn't going to be an option soon. When we get our own place we want to get the hurricane shutters like our neighbors who have plastic in the shutter to see out in the middle. At least they can see what is going on.
We found out that over 108 flights have left the island in the last day but that they are having to move some 7000 tourists to shelters that they cant get off the Island. Reaffirms that we made the right decision not wasting our time at the airport yesterday or this morning waiting in long lines for planes we weren't going to get on when we have a safe place to ride it out and needed to get it prepared. We have seen the best in people, apparently at the airport they are seeing the opposite. The folks at the airport are fighting in line, literally throwing luggage at each other and generally displaying the worst of human traits as they wait to pack the flights with the few precious seats in each plane.
The important storm tracks will come after the storm is past Jamaica so hopefully the mountains in Western Jamaica will deflect it even further south. Keep an eye on the NOAA site it is the best one for updates.
Love to everyone,
Scott and Katie.