I woke up from a particularly loud wind gust and decided that I wanted to check the latest track. What a beautiful sight. The track has Dean south of us and moving quickly. I cant imagine what it must be like for one that is close. The sound right now is like airplanes taking off right outside our house as the wind howls. Katie must have a supernatural ability to sleep because she is sleeping right through this while I wake up with every loud howl. I peered out from under the plywood in the downstairs living room and the rain I could see on the parking lot is like sheets I have never before experienced. If this is tropical storm winds and rain I cant even imagine what hurricane force winds and rain are like. We are just about to start getting the worst of it here in about an hour and a half and at 20 miles an hour will feel it for most of the rest of the morning with the aftereffects lasting through Tuesday plus. We still have never lost power which speaks well for CUC. We are hanging in and hanging on, me a little more unable to sleep than Katie but still here, still dry and still able to get on net. God Bless and Be safe.
Scott and Katie