Friday, November 30, 2012


Pinterest is this site where you can "pin" things from around the Internet. It becomes a way to organize the ideas that you find online. When you "friend" other people, you are able to see what they have pinned and therefore have access to all of the great things that other people have found online too. People use it for different things but I mainly focus my boards on food, exercise, crafts, and party ideas.

Many people who "Pin" joke about the fact that you will have all these great ideas but none of them get implemented. The recipes that Stephanie and I did when she was here in August all came from Pinterest (Cooking). I've also been working on implementing some of the ideas that I've pinned to my holiday boards.

During the month of November, we did the Thank You tree minus the trunk part. Each day we wrote something we were thankful for on a leaf and then put it on the wall.
Last weekend we got together with Tucker and made felt ornaments to put on Arianna's felt Christmas tree. She was interested in decorating a few of her ornaments but the rest of them remained plain. We used my cookie cutters as the shapes so that's why there's some "Easter" shapes on the tree. :) Arianna has hidden some of her decorated ornaments. She likes to "hold them" so she puts them into one of her purses to keep them safe.

I also made an advent calendar I saw online. My hope is to take a picture of us doing each one and do a 24 day countdown to Christmas. No guarantees that I will get the blogs up on the same day that we do the things but I should be able to get up 24 blogs at some point before the New Year.