Monday, November 12, 2012

Atlanta Seminar

One of the perks of my job at ICCI that I will miss the most are the quarterly seminars that ICCI does in the United States.  They alternate between Miami and Atlanta and so three to four times a year I have gotten to head up to the U.S. for a 5 or 6 day period.  The highlight of every seminar are the field trips.  This fall was my final seminar and it concluded last evening.  We had flown up on Wednesday and wanting to go out with a bang, I had set up two days of field trips in Atlanta for our Seminar on Technology and Society.  We visited the Center for Disease Control, the Martin Luther King National Historic Site, The CNN Center and the Georgia Aquarium.  At CDC we got a presentation from one of the scientists and at CNN Center we got presentations from several executives including the General Manager of HLN and the President of CNN BEST which is their Broadcasting Engineering Studio Technology Division.  We topped it off with a behind the scenes tour of the Georgia Aquarium that included a special treat getting to watch them feed the whale sharks in a huge tank from right next to the top of the tank where they entered and where the general public isn't allowed. We didn't get pictures at the aquarium because they didn't want us photographing around open tanks where things could fall in but here are group photos from the other three tours.  All in all it was a great way to end my seminars with ICCI.