Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Isaac takes its toll on Cayman

Although the storm passed well to the north of us and is giving New Orleans headaches it has had an impact here in Cayman.  We had a tremendous lightning and rain storm that its outer bands kicked up Monday evening  and early Tuesday morning.  During the storm, the college radio tower which is next to Friends Hall was struck by lightning, blowing an electrical box and wiring, and sending a surge through the phone and ethernet lines that were attached to the tower.  The power surge that went through the ethernet cords crossed over to Clayton Strain Hall and the administrative offices frying 10 of our computers in various offices and our lab classroom.  The computers seem to have been impacted almost at random as some are just fine while others will not turn on.  The strike took out our entire phone system, fire and security alarms for two of the three buildings and knocked our radio station out.  The rain has also flooded our campus again re-creating Lake ICCI around Friends Hall and to the east of McLaughlin Hall.  My office was one of the lucky ones as the electronics in it are OK.  This morning we had another powerful band of rain come through and it seems to be lingering for the next couple of days.  Sunday morning was to be our first practice mini triathlon but for now we are going to have to wait and see what the weather allows.