Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mango Festival

Hurricane season has a huge silver lining to it, the summer months bring some amazing tropical fruits into season.  These include red plumbs, gnips, starfruit and of course several different varieties of mangos.  The college has a mango tree and each year we wait patiently for them to get ripe.  I have already brought a few home but the really big ones will come in July and August.  Yesterday, down at the Agricultural Grounds in Lower Valley, a Mango Festival was held celebrating all things mango.  As a baby Arianna absolutely adored mango and that love has not gone away so we knew she would be more than happy to try the different dishes using mango.  Among the options were mango tarts, mango springrolls, mango cheesecake, mango bar-b-que, mango salad, mango ice cream, mango juices and of course lots of slices of regular old mango.

We also met up with Arianna's best friend Braden who she now calls "B".  There were suppossed to be pony rides but we never could find those.  We did find the bouncy castle though and Arianna who now can leave her feet when jumping happily joined in the fun.  It was a great morning and we knew Arianna had a good time because we barely made it onto the main road home before she fell fast asleep from being worn out.