Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Despicable Me and A La Kebob

This past weekend Katie and I decided to get in the car, fight through the rain and actually get out of the house. We headed over to Camana Bay which has really become a nice outdoor mall after its slow start of just having the Hollywood movie theatres and book store. Katie needed to work on some of her DU stuff so we went to Cafe Del Sol, a coffee shop, and sat in the back, me drinking a Latte and her a hot chocolate while we took advantage of their free wireless. After an hour or so of Masters work we headed over to A La Kebob and got some gyro's before heading back to Camana Bay to watch a movie. We had to choose between the new Twilight movie and Despicable Me. Katie is a huge Twilight fan and I figured we would be going to that film but surprisingly, Katie really wanted to see Despicable Me. We bought our tickets to the early afternoon showing and in addition to the movie got to experience what life will be like in a few years. The theatre was packed with parents taking their young kids to the movie. In front of us were some young girls dressed up like princesses out with their Mom and behind us a family with all three young kids seated in a row between Mom and Dad. Everywhere you looked were families. We even ran into one of our students bringing his young daughter and he said we were "too old to be at this movie" to which we replied "we were practicing for the future". The combination of rain plus it being an early showing probably played some role in the large number of young kids brought by their parents but it was still something of an eye opener to see that many youngsters with their parents.

After the movie we headed home so Katie could focus on getting her school work done. With assignments due every weekend for her classes, Saturday's and Sunday's have become class time. We are now in the fifth week of our summer quarter at ICCI. I did a radio appearance Monday on Radio Cayman talking about the 40th anniversary of the college and the changes at the institution over the past few years. We are both getting a little better at getting our morning walk in between the rain and might actually try some snorkeling if the weather allows. It is strange not having an off island trip in the works and knowing that we aren't going anywhere until we have a new family member. One thing we are working on now is making sure that as soon as our little one is born we get her properly registered and get her a US passport and social security number. She will be a dependent on my work permit so there is a ton of paperwork we have to have ready well before she comes.