Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two things we wont miss

Two things we wont miss when we do finally leave Cayman are the terrible drivers and the large number of animal corpses on the roads. Unlike many parts of the USA, the Cayman Islands do not have sufficient municipal workers to go around and pick up all the dead animals on the roadways. With over 100,000 cars on this Island (compared to only 50,000 people) and very little space the run ins between car and wildlife occur all too frequently. New roads are being built through previously uninhabited parts of the Island driving the wildlife into active areas of driving. In addition, unlike the US where new development usually simply means the animals move, this is an island they cant just keep moving here. Whether driving to work or biking for exercise we are guaranteed to pass several corpses on our way. The green iguanas breed like rabbits down here (sadly the much rarer blues do not). That means lots of iguanas looking to sun themselves on the roads and lots of minor tragedies every day. The drivers here for the most part are terrible, going too fast for one lane roads and passing at incredibly stupid times. We literally have watched people pass with blind curves just ahead. They have no idea about concepts like closing distance or reaction time and will tail gate so that if the car ahead were to suddenly hit their brakes there would be no way there wouldn't be an accident. Throw in the tourists who are uncertain about driving on the left and you have a recipe for lots of accidents. There have been several head on collisions since we arrived two years ago and whenever we are on the Harquayle bypass we are hyper aware of what people around us and ahead of us are doing because the chances of them doing something stupid seem so much greater here than even Miami where the drivers are the worst in the US. This may be paradise for vacationers but is free for all on the roads.