Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Week of National Holidays

We got back from Miami late last night after the spring seminar. It was once again held at the Courtyard by Marriott at Dolphin Mall and that has become our usual site. We are fast learning the streets and short cuts around the area and driving in Miami is now much easier than it used to be. Scott had one of his veneers pop off before leaving for Miami and was able to get an appointment in Miami with a dentist to re-attach it. The seminar went well and we did some much needed shopping for items way too expensive here in Cayman. There were no classes yesterday since yesterday was Discovery Day. That is the day Cayman celebrates the discovery of the Islands by Christopher Columbus. Tomorrow is the national election and that is also a holiday on the Island. That makes for a strange week as we come back for one day of work today, then take a holiday, then have to work the last two days of the week. The Island is really ready for the election and both major parties had huge rallies yesterday with competing motorcades of supporters that apparently crossed at one point and almost caused a riot. The evening news normally only comes on at 6 p.m. with the 10 O'clock newscast being a repeat of the 6 p.m. show. Tomorrow they have to work like real journalists and actually stay on the air until the election results are in. We will know the new legislative assembly tomorrow night but not the results of the Constitutional election. They wont start counting those ballots until Thursday. Amazingly enough the Cayman Ministers Association came out in favor of the new Constitution so now it looks like maybe it will pass after all. We shall see.