Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two years in Cayman

It is a strange coincidence but most of the big anniversaries for us come at the end of the month of May. We met four years ago on May 20, we married three years ago on May 27 and we moved to Cayman two years ago on May 31. Last week we met with Katie's doctor who has given us the go ahead to start trying to have kids later this summer after Katie comes off her medication. This means that year three in Cayman could be very momentous. We are dealing with some insurance issues as well so between the medication and insurance it will probably be September before we really start trying, but it has us both excited and in full on get ready for baby mode. Our personalities are very much plan out as much as we can so we are planning everything. We both know that the best laid plans always go awry but that doesn't mean we aren't trying to plan it all anyway. As we know more we will let you know. There is something exciting about the fact that Scott was born in the Caribbean and hopefully our first born will also be born in the Caribbean, a sort of symmetry.

Last night we went out to the Grand Old House for our delayed Wedding Anniversary dinner and watched the sun set while we ate our meal. This week is final exams and our comprehensive exams. After that, we have a week of no classes before the start of the Summer quarter so our quick cruise up to the Bahamas takes advantage of that. Scott's father is on Island for his quarterly visit as Interim President of the college this Thursday. The weather here gets miserably hot by 9 a.m. and stays muggy until 5 or 6 in the evening. Hurricane season starts officially tomorrow though we already saw the first tropical depression of the season last week. This week we will do a Cost U Less run that will include stocking up our hurricane kit.