Saturday, October 20, 2007

Watching College Football in a bar with 200 rugby fans

This morning I headed over to Davie Jones to watch the Texas-Baylor football game. When I arrived a little after 11 a.m. local time I could tell it was going to be a strange day. The bar was already packed. There were at least 50-60 people wearing green rugby jerseys with their faces painted the colors of the South African flag. I spoke with the bartender and insured that I would have a single TV for the Texas game and he reminded me that today was the final of the Rugby World Cup, England v. South Africa and that every other TV would be on the rugby match starting at 2 p.m. By the second quarter of the Texas game, the bar which normally seats maybe a 100 was packed with rugby fans who by the way like to drink. I sweated out a Texas win while listening to the fans sing and carouse and generally go crazy. The English fans made their appearance by 1 p.m. and the bar had to be in violation of the fire code shortly thereafter as you couldn't move. It was a very funny scene me the lone yank watching Texas-Baylor game while 18 other TVs in the bar focused on something the rest of the world was watching but no one was in the U.S. Texas kept the game close through mistakes and turnovers so I had to stick around until the very end as the bar got rowdy loud and jam packed.

Texas finally finished off Baylor and when I left the South Africans were singing loudly as they had the lead. I later learned they held on to win. I headed home and discovered that our A/C has again given out. Our air handler is broken and needs to be replaced. We are dealing with our landlord on it but it is taking time. Now those hurricane shutters that provide us protection are keeping all the heat in and without windows to open up, the house is stifling. We have all the ceiling fans running and have two regular fans set up in the living room that we will move upstairs when we go to sleep.

Katie and I decided to go do some late afternoon snorkeling at Eden Rock. Last time we had stayed close to shore checking out the rock formations near the entry point. This time we swam straight out about 100 yards to see what was further out in the harbor. With the sun setting the water wasn't as clear and we couldn't see as much. We swam back toward shore and saw some really neat formations with tons of fish in and around them. This must be the season for fish giving birth because there were a bunch of young fish around several rock formations. With our card from last week we were able to identify several species including four eyed butterfly fish, yellow tailed snapper and some interesting crabs on the rocks by the ladder.

After returning home to change we headed out for dinner at the Lone Star Bar and Grill on Seven Mile Beach. Katie has been wanting to try their margaritas for a while as our office mates rave about them. The margaritas were as strong as advertised though the flavor wasn't as great. The food was good but also not great so we likely wont be eating there often.

We have started a Friday night tradition of going for sushi so last evening for the fourth or fifth week in a row we went for the raw stuff. We have been alternating between Yoshi's and Thai Orchid both of which are excellent. We cant wait for house guests to come and try the fare.

We have another getaway to Miami planned for November 9-12. We will stay at a resort in Key Largo and this time do some snorkeling at Pennecamp and get down to Key West. I will also attend the Miami seminar for a couple of hours with our students Saturday morning. Katie is planning a get together with Bridget, her former Northlake fellow fourth grade teacher, who is now in Tallahassee going to school. Things have picked up if anything for me since the visit as we clean up some of the citations and wait for the official report. Katie doesn't feel much change as her job is constant crazy. She is working on our Christmas stockings and is cross stitching while I watch football this evening.

In closing, we want to say a special hello to Gary and Elizabeth in Houston and Jennifer and Ryan in Macon. Its neat that at the same time my best friend and his wife are expecting, Katie's best friend and her husband are as well. We hope you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We will see you soon.