Yesterday Arianna turned two months old and got to meet her "twin" sister Madeleine. We met Ian and Tanya during our Lamaze class and later discovered that we had the same Doctor and due dates within two weeks of each other. Then when our Doctor was heading off island around the time of our mutual due dates, we both ironically decided to induce on the same day. The evening before induction we saw each other at the Doctors office to put in the catheter. Then on the day we went in for Arianna's birth there was Ian and Tanya in the waiting room and later in the next delivery room and finally in the next maternity room. Their daughter Madeleine took a little longer than Arianna in coming waiting until about 2 in the morning on the 10th some four hours after Arianna. Yesterday they held a christening party and we headed over to congratulate them and introduce the two young girls to each other.
Our new term begins today at the college and Katie is furiously working on her proposal for her Masters Capstone course so it will be a busy week down here.