We took advantage of the national holiday this afternoon and headed up to the north side of the Island to snorkel the Queen's Monument area. We had not been up to that part of the island for several months and it was great to get out there again. The tide was in so we were able to swim over many of the coral areas which were very active. Among the many new species we saw today were a Bearded Fireworm (at left), Yellow Fanworm, Flamingo Tongue (below) and a Nimble Spray Crab. We normally look for fish species but today decided to focus reef creatures since we have a book for those and haven't been able to fill in many of the varieties as

having been identified. The water was fantastic and we actually spent a good hour snorkeling. We have found a very secluded entrance to the snorkeling area and once again had the beach to ourselves. The new camera worked great and fits the case perfectly.