Today while Katie finished her final paper I went back to Sunset House to try and find the WWII landing craft that is submerged some 200 plus yards from shore. Today I swam with Adrienne, who is a dive master and the son of Katie's friends Thierry and Marie Claude. He had

dived the wreck before and knew where to swim to get to it. We swam out past
Amphitrite the mermaid and found the landing craft pretty quickly. It was about 60 feet below the surface and did not photograph well. This evening we went out to Yoshi's to celebrate Katie finishing her paper and her summer class. We used a certificate from our cousins the Spetters and want to pass on again our thanks for a great time with them and for the gift certificate. This Thursday Katie is headed back to Texas for her Mom's graduation from Lamar University in Beaumont.