With the storm moving off and with the afternoon rains letting up, last night was free to head over to the sports bar by Hurleys and watch the Texas season opener. For a few minutes it looked like they might not be getting the game since it was on a pay per view channel but at 6:00 p.m. the signal started arriving and the game came on. The 52-10 Texas win was fun to watch though the defense gave us some big plays through the air and will have to do a lot of maturing before the Oklahoma and Missouri games for Texas to have a chance. Katie came for dinner then left a few minutes into the game to "scrapbook". When I got home I found that Katie hadn't scrapbooked at all but instead had made me a first day of football present. She hung our Texas Longhorns flag in the living room and made a coconut football cake that is pictured to the left. The game was a great way to unwind after four days of intensity surrounding the hurricane.
The mood in the sports bar was very much one of feeling lucky we could be out doing what we were doing. I spoke with a couple of other football fans and we all talked about feeling fortunate we were watching a football game and that we weren't having to deal with days of no power, water or having to spend days cleaning up. The sister islands took a real beating. Little Cayman still doesn't have power or water and the Brac has substantial damage with parts of that Island still not having power. Two Royal Navy ships have arrived to help with clean up and the government is flying crews the 88 miles over to both Islands. Our prayers are going out to everyone on Little Cayman and the Brac that things get back to normal as fast as possible. We are also praying for everyone in western Cuba that they came through last night safely and to the gulf coast residents that Gustav will weaken and hit as unpopulated an area as possible.