Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Goodbye to Gypsy

With all of the uncertainty about our move and where we will go and where we may have to stay for a while, we have been very concerned about Gypsy, our cat.  She doesn't take change or uncertainty well.  After some long talks about it we decided to put her up for adoption and find a good home for her so she can stay in Cayman.  Because there are so many in transit people here on the island there is an online forum where people who are leaving, but cannot take their pets, can post available pets for adoption.  Yesterday, a very nice lady with an 11 month old child contacted us about Gypsy and after coming over to meet her, agreed to adopt her.  We gave her all of Gypsy's stuff including her carrier, kitty litter, toys and cat tree along with her special blanket that she likes to sit on, on top of the couch.  Arianna was very sad when she said goodbye and it was a little emotional for all of us.  We will miss Gypsy but know that she is going to a good home and that she will be happy with her new family.  It was a stark reminder that our time on the island is quickly coming to an end.