Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Day of Football

The sixth annual First Day of Football (FDOFB) celebration kicked off in the Cummings household last night with the ceremonial giving of gifts.  This year that consisted of two new Longhorn car decals for our vehicles and some Longhorn cookies made by Katie.  One of the decals we had been trying to find for a couple of years and Katie found it on the Internet and secretly ordered it.  Unfortunately, a few months ago I randomly ran into someone in a parking lot at a restaurant who just happened to have the decal.  With Katie watching on in horror I proceeded to ask him where he got the decal and after he mentioned he was leaving island began to negotiate for the purchase of it right then and there.  That forced Katie to step in and reveal she had already bought one and it was a FDOFB present.  Although the surprise was lost, it was still great to finally put the decal on the car after waiting patiently for a couple of months knowing we had it.

Katie also hung out the Texas Longhorn flag this week from the window of the nursery overlooking the living room.  This morning we took some family photos decked out in our longhorn gear and this evening I will head over to the sports bar which is going to be streaming the Texas opener against Rice.  Someday this will take a lot of explaining to Arianna why Daddy gets his own private Christmas in September (after all, it is the most wonderful time of the year, the start of the college football season).  I am so lucky to have married a women who embraced my obsession rather than fighting it. Lets hope my daughter is as understanding as her Mom.