Monday, August 22, 2011

Another reason why this is not exactly Paradise

August and September are our yearly reminder of one of the costs of living in "paradise", storms.  It looks certain now that Irene will not be paying us a visit but the shooting gallery has 8 more weeks so while we breathe a little easier this morning that is just until the next one on the assembly line rolls off the African coast.  We get other reminders from time to time too.  A couple of weeks ago, I was in the kitchen when out of the corner of my eye I saw a pretty big black object moving into our downstairs bathroom.  Initially thinking that it might be the largest roach ever I cautiously approached.  When it came fully into view I was shocked to see that it was in fact about a 4 inch long scorpion that had wandered into our house.  It did not survive the meeting with my shoe.  We get other exotic visitors every once in a while from centipedes to strange looking water bugs driven in during the hot summer.  With Arianna moving all over the downstairs we are extra vigilant as we don't want her making a new "friend".