Monday, January 17, 2011

Doing Fine

First of all, thanks to all who sent me good wishes for a speedy recovery.  The scans showed that there were no disc issues just some muscle spasms that with a few days of rest and some physical therapy have gotten a lot better.  It gave me a great excuse to catch up on some reading and I finished the Lou Cannon biography of Reagan's years as Governor of California.  I was back at work today and should be OK going forward.  I did get a chance to watch the Bears game yesterday and am looking forward to the NFC championship game next Sunday.  Katie finally pushed me onto facebook so I suppose you can now follow along there though her page will still be best place to go for pictures etc.  Arianna is ten weeks old tomorrow and already has the tips of her top teeth peeking out of her gums.  She continues to grow like a reed.