Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gypsy's Verklemptness

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was out, the skies were a vibrant blue, a breeze was blowing, and the temperature actual got down to the low 80s. It was beautiful!

It was time to open the windows and let some of the beautiful fresh air in. This sent Gypsy over the edge!

She would go sit by the back door. Then she walked in, yelled at us at things were different and moved to the front windows. Our afternoon was punctuated by her cries that things were just not like they normally were.

Yesterday we changed some things around in the house (see baby blog) and she was not happy with that. Today the windows were just too much. She was very verklempt. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy having the windows open but everytime she moved from inspecting outside one she insisted on reminding us that they were open!