Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone. Unlike the secular United States, down here Easter is a two days off from work long weekend with tomorrow and Monday being National Holidays. We intend to spend some quality snorkeling time so long as Katie's nausea allows. Scott's Dad is on Island for some work at the college so it wont be all fun and games. Meanwhile, in non pregnancy related news, last Saturday/early Sunday the college got broken into and the kitchen canteen robbed. Our security alarm sounded and the police responded within a few minutes as did Scott when he got the call from the security centre. by the time everyone arrived the robbers had run off taking with them a small amount of cash and some corn nuts. It cost us more to repair the smashed window then they got so the loss was small compared to the psychological effect. There has been a string of robberies and shootings on the Island and the crime issue has gotten so big the Governor is stepping in with a special task force from the United Kingdom. Sadly ICCI is now another on the list of schools that have been broken into in the past year, fortunately for us the losses were minimal.

Katie has been struggling with all day morning sickness and has actually lost weight because she isn't eating as much with the nausea. We asked the doctor about it and he didn't seem concerned telling us it is OK so long as she continues to get the calories the baby needs first. He told us that many women lose weight the first trimester and easily gain it and more back in the second and third. It did mean the first late night run for Ginger Ale and saltines of the pregnancy.