Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Cat the Huntress

The birthday box from Scott's Mom included a DVD for Gypsy called Kitty goes Hunting and Kitty goes Fishing. Gypsy at first didn't notice it but when we moved her scratch tower in front of the TV, something she was already on because of some catnip, she immediately took notice of the video and has been fascinated ever since when we put it on. She even gets angry when we turn it off and lays down in front of the TV and cries. She doesn't paw at the screen or jump at it she just lays there and watches intently so maybe calling her a huntress isn't the right term maybe its kitty couch potato. Either way she has absolutely loved her gift and we have taken some really funny pictures many of which are posted on Katie's face book page. Thanks to Maryanna for our gifts and for Gypsy's gift.

Speaking of packages to us in the mail, a lesson learned on Friday. The customs officers open all packages to residents at the post office checking for items that may be subject to an import duty. There was some very innocent catnip in our box that looked a whole lot like something else in its plastic baggie. It was a new and unique experience explaining to the very suspicious customs agent that it really was just catnip for our feline roommate and not something else. Fortunately all the other cat stuff in the box made our explanation sound very reasonable. It continues to be very hot and humid down here making our days consist of trying hard not to be outside after 8:30 a.m. and before about 6 p.m. Fortunately the storms have stayed away so it seems a fair trade off.

We are three weeks in to our fall quarter and basically settling in to our regular routine. Teaching and working during the week, watching the Horns on Saturday (64-7 over UTEP yesterday) and trying to get some exercise in. Yesterday morning we got up at 5:00 a.m. and went to the college to do a graduation banquet benefit walk of about 5 miles that raised money for the graduating seniors banquet tickets. We hadnt done a walk that long in a while and both of us were sore yesterday and are feeling the effects today. We head up to Miami and Orlando the first weekend in November so that is our next off-Island excursion.