Thursday, March 26, 2009

Empty House and First Week of Class

After a straight month almost of having guests this week it was just us and the cats once we put Mel, Stephanie and Johnathan on their plane home Monday. With this being the first week of class both of us have been very busy. the college enrollment is up to over 180 students so there is never a slow minute at work. We are both also teaching and Kathleen is taking another course toward her Masters so the days are pretty full. We have also both been negligent in keeping up with exercising so yet again we are re-starting our training regimen. We are going to see "Annie" this Saturday being put on by the Cayman Drama Society with our friends from France, Thierry and Marie-Claude. The cats seem to have taken the now empty house in stride though Ginger has shown her anger at the presence of suit cases by acting out in little ways that remind us she is upset whenever a suitcase appears.