Monday, September 8, 2008

Ike's glancing effect

Hurricane Ike is passing Grand Cayman about 160 miles to the north and this evening we are getting some high winds and rain but nothing like what could have happened if it had moved further south. The sister islands Cayman Brac and Little Cayman have been battered all day today with tropical storm force winds as they are only about 90 miles from Cuba. Our biggest worry about Ike is that it will mess up the flight plans for this weekend as I head back to Texas to see the Texas-Arkansas football game. The storm could make landfall anywhere from south Texas to Alabama on Saturday and with Houston in the center and where my flight is headed to that could cause some problems.

Today was the first day of the Fall quarter and with over 170 students attending ICCI this fall things were a little crazy. Its amazing to think that when we came here last summer the school had 89 students and now we are pushing close to our 2009 year end goal of 200 students. We should hit that goal early next year and be pushing on from there by year end 09.

Katie is fast and furious into her Masters work for Denver University. Her first on line course is a writing class and her textbooks arrived last Friday, which was good since her first assignment was due today. Over the weekend I got to watch the Texas football game on the internet as both my undergraduate colleges Texas and UTEP played. We had paid extra to get ESPN2 for the express purpose of getting to see that game and then the Caribbean feed didnt have the game. I was not happy to have to watch the game on a tiny computer screen with a very poor quality picture. I was pleased to see Texas win and UTEP put up a good fight so that both schools come out in good shape.