Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Poetry at Dart Park

Havent had time to post since we got back from Texas as we have been busy catching up from work. Last Friday we took an evening off and attended a poetry reading at Dart park on South Sound road. Dart is a large corporation here on the Island and has a huge charitable arm to keep on the governments good side. The park is behind the national trust building, a building we have biked or driven past a hundred or more times, But until we went looking for it Friday we didn't even it know the park was there. The park overlooks the water and has an outdoor amphitheatre and play areas. The poetry readings were indoors since it was after dark and the mosquitos are too big a problem outside. We were able avoid the mosquitos for the most part even though we sat on a picnic table outside and listened in. The night was designed to have poets on Cayman of all ages read some of their work. We went because two of our students were having their poems read by a third student. Surprisingly several more of our students had connections as their children were reading poems. It seemed that several of the primary schools had their students do a poem for class and then many chose to read it at this event.

Katie is getting ready for her first concert with the Cayman National Choir on June 7th. They will be singing with the Cayman National Orchestra at an event to be held at the Grand Old House on Petra Plantation and the concert is called around the world in an evening. They will be singing songs from all over the world and every Monday evening she heads off to practice.

Coming back from Texas, we brought all of Katie's scrap booking supplies and her special suit case. So of course American lost our luggage and we had to sweat out 24 hours of waiting for them to arrive. This seems to be a common problem with American and its flights to Cayman. We think its because they always oversell the flight so it is always packed then everyone is bringing several suitcases since vacationers come here usually for a week. So they hit their weight restriction and have to leave luggage for the next flight. The problem is we were on the last flight of the day so our luggage didn't come in until the next day. This being Cayman we had to run to the airport to pick up our luggage once it arrived because if we waited for American to deliver it, it would be a couple of more days.

We are into week five of our quarter and things just continue to fly along. We cant even catch our breath once we finish one task its right into another.