Sunday, September 23, 2007

37th Anniversary Celebration for ICCI

Yesterday was the ceremony to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the college and to dedicate a plaque in honor of the students, faculty and staff from the fall of 2004 who kept the college open in the wake of Hurricane Ivan. There was a threat of rain all afternoon but it never came and so the outdoor ceremony in front of Friends Hall came off without a hitch.

Katie and I drove over to the college around 10:00 a.m to set up chairs under the tent that had been delivered on Friday (as had the chairs). We then stuck around to help the student activities committee set up the decorations. Around 1:15 we ran home to shower and get changed before the three o'clock ceremony. The ceremony didn't start until about 3:20 which we have discovered is the norm here on Cayman. It lasted about 45 minutes and as the master of ceremonies I had to introduce the speakers and even made my musical debut leading the singing of the National Anthem (that would be God Save the Queen down here). I sang the first line over the mike then smartly put the mike down and let the crowd pick up from there. Katie told me later that my first line was fine to get everyone started but she was really glad I put the mike down as my ability to carry a note doesn't last very long.

We got to see a movie made in 1973 about the college and it was nice to see the people in attendance recognize themselves from 30 plus years ago. The event was catered and I made the mistake of grazing too much. I say mistake because later Katie and I went to Yoshi's sushi for dinner and I was too stuffed to eat.

Didn't get to see any of the Texas game and by the time we got home from the sushi it was already the third quarter and Texas was winning 41-7 so I didn't head over to Davy Jones to watch the second half. Katie and I have been watching the third season of House that we picked up in Florida so we watched an episode then had some late night sushi that we had brought back.

This morning we went for a bike ride and the afternoon is a cleaning time as we do a couple of weeks of laundry and try to clean up the house. The accrediting visit looms in two weeks and that is pretty much all we are working on at the college (well that and trying to not mortgage the present to clean up the past).