Thursday, February 8, 2007

New Direction

After many months of waiting for the Peace Corps to give us any concrete information and getting jerked around by them through multiple "you'll-know-where-you-are-going" dates, a new opportunity has come up. John approached us with a few different employment opportunities at ICCI (International College of the Cayman Islands,, a school that Scott's grandfather founded. It is a small, commuter college of only about 200 international students that was started to give a higher education option to Caymanians.

The college is still struggling to recover from Hurricane Ivan which left it underwater in 2004. They are looking for a new perspective on how to approach the problems facing the staff which is Scott's role. He will be a dean with the role of campus director as well as assisting with business aspects. He will also be able to teach some classes which is a very exciting prospect. I will be the registrar and help with the bookstore. Although both of us were okay with the positions the Peace Corps had put us in, they did not correspond with what we wanted to do when we returned to the States so these new positions enable us to get experience in fields that we are actually interested in working in when we get back.

We will be living in a furnished apartment on campus. The campus is located about seven miles from George Town (the major tourist stop). According to the maps we have found, it is about half way between the south side of the island by St. Pedro Castle and the beach for North Sound. It is along a road that runs north/south off of the main thoroughfare that runs from George Town to the eastern side of the island. The nearest big (island big....) city is Bodden Town. Here is a site with good maps of the island:

We are going down there February 18-21 to have a look around and meet some of the board members and staff. We'll post pictures from our trip on here and let you guys know what new things we find out!
