Yesterday was Scott's 40th birthday. We had planned an evening of sunset and sushi and were pleasantly surprised when we also received a hotel stay at Sunshine Suites right behind our favorite sushi place.
ICCI has a visiting consultant this week as they prepare for accreditation. There was some confusing with getting a place for her to stay and the college ended up with a prepaid night at Sunshine Suites that wasn't being used. Kira, the Business Manager, graciously let Scott and I use it for his birthday!
After an afternoon of giving Gypsy lots of lovins in the other room while one person packed so that she couldn't tell we were leaving (she has been very needy lately), we set off to pretend we were in a far away land!
We've been to the little grill here (see
Sunshine Grill Dinner) at the hotel but have never stayed in any of the rooms. Each room has a kitchen area with a big fridge, stovetop, sink, and a little dining table. It is set up nicely to allow visitors to do a bit of cooking for themselves to keep their costs down. Scott really liked the flat screen TV and watched some football while I got ready since it always takes me much longer!
After getting all dolled up we walked over to Yoshi's.

We get sushi ("fake" sushi lately) about twice a month but it is Scott's favorite on the island so he wanted to do it for his birthday. To make it more special than the normal takeout we get, he decided to go for the Love Boat. When we first arrived on the island, we used to go to Yoshi's all the time and each visit we would get the Love Boat. It is a "boat" (they used to use this really cool wooden boat for the sushi but we haven't seen it in a while) filled with sushi that comes with multiple courses. You get to enjoy miso soup, tempura, rice, teriyaki chicken, and, afterwards, mango or green tea icecream (we both always get the mango). It is A LOT of food (hence the reason we stopped getting it) but since we were in "vacation" mode we scarfed it all down! We did some substitutions for the sushi rolls so that they were all "fake" sushi and I could eat them but Scott really enjoyed getting to have nigiri and sashimi sushi (one is just cuts of the raw fish and the other is raw fish over rice). After packing up some of the leftovers so that Scott could eat his customary "midnight sushi" (usually eaten around 8 p.m. because we aren't night owls...), we headed back to the hotel.

With me 8 months pregnant and Scott exhausted from many weeks of running like crazy with work, we ended up crashing! We'd planned to change back into shorts and go walk on the beach right at sunset but when we got back to the room we were just too tired to go back out. We'd brought "Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban" to watch (I'm rereading the books and we are watching the movies as I finish each one). Only about an hour into the movie (which is the most inconsistent from the book of them all so far!) Scott just couldn't keep his eyes open. We had the "midnight sushi", tried to make it a bit further in the movie, and then decided to call it a night. Scott zonked out around 8:30! Aren't we just the happenin' couple!?! We are turning into my parents! :) It will just get worse when Baby C joins our family!
He needs to get a lot of sleep because this next week is going to be NUTS! He has visits from Ministers, meetings with the Education Council, a mock accreditation visit, and ICCI's 40th anniversary celebration on top of his regular responsibilities! After everything calms down, I'm sure that he will update everyone on all the events of this week.