By Scott
Katie and I drove a car full of boxes out to Georgia this past weekend. Kevin and Kristy graciously offered us part of their guestroom closet to store our wedding albums, scrapbooks and photo albums. The stuff that could not be replaced and which we were very leery of putting in a storage facility. We left Friday at Noon and after a brief stop in Duncanville to take some photos in the bluebonnets (thanks to Gail and Stephanie who came out with Terry to take the photos) it was on the road. We made Tuscaloosa Alabama by about 9:30 p.m. and called it a night. We awoke Saturday morning to a dramatic change in the weather. The temperature was in the 30's and as we entered northern Georgia we could see snow on the ground. We arrived in Macon around noon and had a great lunch with Katie's college friend Jennifer and her husband Ryan. Jennifer had just learned she was pregnant the day before and the lunch became a celebration.
Then it was on to Bonaire and fun with the Georgia Cummings clan along with Kathy Scott who was visiting. Kevin grilled some steaks, I got to spend time playing soccer with my nephew and Katie got to catch up with Kristy and Kelsey. Kelsey recently received written proof of what we already knew, she is smarter than all of us, and she has been invited to several college summer programs. Though only a freshman in HS the debate is already on, should she go to Harvard, Stanford, Princeton or Yale. No pressure there. Scott Kieren has top AR marks and has a mighty powerful soccer kick to boot. Kevin and I had another of our spirited political discussions (I'm sure Kristy had to tell Katie that we both enjoy arguing with each other far more than we actually care about what we are arguing about, the tragic consequences of too many years of debate).
Easter Sunday morning we went to mass with the family before hitting the road for the long drive back. We went to the 7:00 a.m. service and all but had the church to ourselves which was really nice. We got home around 10:00 p.m. and both agreed that long drives are for the birds.
We are selling the remainder of Katie's candles this weekend at Traders Village in Grand Prairie. Next week Katie starts her Access course at TCC and that weekend we head to Houston to say goodbye to friends down there and also drop off my Longhorn paraphernalia. The last weekend in April I head down to the Caymans for the board meeting while Katie is assisting with the Global Days for Darfur. My last day at work is now officially May 15th and after a trip up to Washington state to visit relatives we should head out May 24 or 25. It seems so strange to say this but in two months we will be in our new home working our new jobs. Thanks again to the Georgia Cummings for a great Easter weekend.